lNPS Leadership Net Promoter Score
lNPS Leadership Net Promoter Score Now, in addition to the eNPS employee Net Promoter Score that measures employee satisfaction with the company, we are also evaluating the lNPS that focuses on understanding the level of people's satisfaction with leadership. Once a month, the platform will ask this question: On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you recommend your team leader as a good person for working together?. It is worthPopularGroups and users: enable and disable
When is this feature used? During the partial deployment of the survey; To carry out the survey only in part of the company after having carried out the complete integration of the user base and groups; Pause the survey for a person (vacation, recently joined the company or the professional can not receive the survey for a certain period); Groups and users: enable and disable Active: receive the survey and have access according to their permission level. Inactive: stop receiPopularQuestion types (quantitative and qualitative)
During the survey, we make use of two approaches: quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative survey: a quantitative survey is a classification of the scientific method that uses different statistical techniques to quantify opinions and information for a given study. It is performed to understand and emphasize logical reasoning and all the information that can be measured about human experiences. We use 5 quantitative question models: Multiple Choice (https://storage.crisp.chat/usersSome readersHow to log in to the platform using your email
Hello, how are you? Today we will teach you how to log in to your TeamCulture account using your email, so you can answer your weekly engagement surveys. First, you will access our website: https://teamculture.com.br/ And click on LOG IN, in the upper right corner of the screen. As below picture shows: By clicking the LOG IN button, you will see thSome readersAre my answers really anonymous?
Are my answers really anonymous? This question about anonymity is frequent. People always question whether their answers are in fact anonymous and how we treat this data after the surveys. To bring you peace of mind and security about the topic, we will clarify how we take care of anonymity here at TeamCulture. You must know that TeamCulture takes your anonymity very seriously. Usually, employees feel that the survey could turn against them.We want to go into as much detail as possiblSome readersWhat is eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score)
What is eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) This indicator helps to understand the degree of employee satisfaction and loyalty. How is this indicator calculated in TeamCulture? We measure the eNPS by asking: The first time employees respond to TeamCulture surveys, they receive a question for eNPS. In this way, we can understand the satisfaction index of the company in the fSome readersGood practices of how to respond to feedback.
Most common questions about how to answer feedback There are a few questions you're likely to ask when you're introduced to the feedback response feature: After receiving feedback, how soon do I need to answer? Is there an ideal deadline? There is no strict rule for answering. You don't need to reply necessarily within a day. But the sooner you respond, the better will be the reception of the one who gave the feedback. But it is also not healthy to respond immediately. Taking timeSome readersWhy are surveys continuous and uninterrupted?
If you are in this article, you do not understand why the surveys are continuous and why we answer the same questions several times. First, let's understand the traditional survey model of "engagement" or organizational climate. It is pertinent to understand that in the more traditional model we developed surveys to receive a set of information based on a specific topic and with this information in hand, we created an action plan. With this, we worked on this action plan. And a new surveyFew readersHow to make payment via credit card
Hello, how are you? Today we will learn how to carry out payment through the credit card through the platform. First, have you already created your account? If not click here to see how to create your account. Once you've created your account, it's time to unlock your licenses by paying within the platform. First, we will go to the Admin Payments page, or if you prefer you can access this link: https://app.teamculture.com.br/accouFew readersReliability rate
In the questions' area of the engagement report, there is a concept called reliability rate, used to understand the level of confidence concerning the grade being presented. What is the reliability rate? The reliability rate is based on the number of given question respondents. The higher the number of respondents, the higher the grade reliability. Considering this rate duringFew readersUser Settings
Change Language Do you want to change the language? It is very simple, just click on the change language button in the lower-left corner. We currently support 3 languages: Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Change name or password Just click on your name in the lower-left area and then select Personal Settings. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/a882c5Few readersCreate feedback at any time.
How do I send open feedback at any time? Go to the feedback area in the left side menu and then click the yellow button in the upper right corner. Before writing select whether your feedback is POSITIVE or CONSTRUCTIVE. Now just write and submit your opinion! Do it differently! Let's Question, Act, and Evolve. Talk to our team right now using the side chat or take the opporFew readersAnalytics: Correlation between pillars
We usually use this report to understand how we can improve a given pillar by using the correlation that exists between them. What do you mean? First, it is important to understand what is a correlation between the pillars. When we talk that two pillars correlate, it means that for that company/team they usually have the same behavior of variation of growth or fall. The closer this variation between two pillars, the greater the correlation that exists between them. To summarize, if the relFew readersView Groups, Segmentation, and User Attributes
How do I view a user's groups, segmentation, and attributes? Now you can do this by editing a user on the user listing screen. Simply search for the user using the search and click the edit button. Do it differently! Let'sFew readers360° view of teams (Group Comparison)
How do I view a user's groups, segmentation, and attributes? I would say that this is the most used functionality by leaders with different teams and HR professionals, especially Business Partners. After all, who doesn't want to have a 360° view of the company and have the opportunity to compare teams and understand the differences that exist between them? To access the group comparison functionality simply select from the left side menu the option Reports - Group comparison. CoFew readersHow to log in using your SSN
Hello, how are you? Today we will teach you how to log in to your TeamCulture account using your SSN, so you can answer your weekly engagement surveys. First, you will access our website: https://teamculture.com.br/ And click on LOG IN, in the upper right corner of the screen. As below picture shows: By clicking the LOG IN button, you will see this screen: (https://storageFew readers