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Leadership Net Promoter Score (LNPS) Score

The LNPS (Leadership Net Promoter Score) focuses on measuring employees' satisfaction with leadership. This metric is extremely relevant since leaders play a key role in aligning the group's objectives with the organization's mission, vision, and values.

It's important to note that without strong leadership that is well-regarded by the team, it is unlikely that employees will be engaged. Additionally, research shows that poor leadership is one of the primary reasons for employee turnover.

Now, let's understand how the LNPS is calculated. The calculation method is the same as for the ENPS (Employee Net Promoter Score), with only the question being different.

We use the question:
On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend your team leader as a good person to work with?

Based on the employee's response, the leadership score will fall into one of these categories:

0 to 6 - DETRACTOR
7 and 8 - PASSIVE
9 and 10 - PROMOTER

All responses are tallied, and the following formula is applied: LNPS = % Promoters - % Detractors.

What is an ideal LNPS score?

The LNPS question is sent to group members along with questions related to the 10 Employee Engagement Pillars. It will appear within 30 days, but may vary between the first and fourth weeks.

If an employee chooses to skip the LNPS question, they will be classified as N/A (non-respondent) and excluded from the LNPS calculation, being considered PASSIVE. This means that a high number of N/A responses can negatively affect your score.

Additionally, we always consider the employee's most recent LNPS responses within a 90-day period. Any responses outside this timeframe will not be included in the current report.

To access the report, at least 3 users must respond to the question to ensure the group's anonymity.

HOW DOES THE REPORT WORK? Let's dive into the details.

In the image below, you can see an overview of how it will appear. Note: the appearance may vary depending on your plan; we are presenting the most comprehensive view of the platform.

In the upper right corner, a historical graph is displayed, showing how the LNPS score has varied in recent months.

In the upper left corner, the real-time LNPS score is displayed, allowing you to compare the group's score with the account's average and the market average.

Below these two graphs, the percentages of PROMOTERS, PASSIVES, DETRACTORS, and those who SKIPPED are shown, all in real-time. These percentages are used to calculate the result shown in the upper left graph.

Finally, we display the most recent responses. All of this is designed to help you understand the results and enable you to take action as quickly and accurately as possible.

Updated on: 23/08/2024

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