How does a custom survey work?
Let's create a real scenario before we talk about the custom survey to give context and help you understand when to use this model.
Let's use a scenario where the engagement research has already happened and you are evaluating your engagement report. In the evaluation process, there was a doubt about the frequency factor of the feedback pillar.

Looking at the questions below:
The frequency of feedback I receive is enough to help me understand how I can improve.
Which of the following best describes the amount of feedback you receive?
Some people are not satisfied with how often they receive feedback, but you already meet them once a month in a 1:1 meeting format. What is going wrong?
The next step is to evaluate the feedback of that group regarding this topic, then you go to the qualitative feedback area and filter the received.

However, even analyzing the constructive feedback on the subject Feedback was not enough to have a diagnosis.
All is not lost. During the engagement meeting with the team, you decide to talk about the topic, including presenting the results and explaining what feedback is. After all, feedback is not an evaluation (read our article on the types of feedback). However, you leave the meeting frustrated because people didn't feel like talking about the topic in question openly and transparently. It's time to use the "custom survey" functionality.
That's right, it helps to have an even more detailed view on some questions and we will teach you how to set up a structured survey to get some answers.
Let's start by understanding what you would like to know. After all, people are dissatisfied with the periodicity of the feedbacks received.
Survey template:
Can you tell me what feedback is for you? Answer model: open, for example: in my view, feedback is about...
Who gives you feedback? Answer template: choose, () my manager (X ) Team () manager and team
Is there any technique we could adopt to improve feedback frequency? Answer template: open, for example: I believe we can adopt the Kudos Wall technique.
What would be a good frequency to receive feedback and how would you like to receive it? Answer template: open, for example: informal daily by all people in the team.
Now that we have an idea of the expected result, we can assemble our questionnaire on the platform.
Click the left side menu and choose Custom Survey.
In this area, you can create your survey by clicking the yellow button in the upper right corner.

By clicking on the button, we need to choose a title, a description and create the desired questions by selecting your answer template.
Title: a survey to understand feedback frequency.
Description: the main goal of this survey is to understand how we can improve the frequency of feedback.
Questions: we will use the model already mentioned earlier.

Adding the first question "Can you tell me what feedback is?" from the paragraph template.

Remember that to add new questions, only click the blue button below the first question box:

You can repeat this process until you finish all the questions.

To remove a question, click on the recycle bin at the top right of the question;
You can save the survey to send in the future (save in draft);
Do not forget to fill in all the required fields before clicking the continue button.
It's ready! Now we can click the "Continue" button and select the survey audience and settings.
First, we will start the configuration of our survey by selecting whether we will present our name as the sender or if it will be a survey sent by the company, remembering that only administrators can send on behalf of the company.

Now we will select who this survey will be sent to. Here in this area, it is possible to select only the groups that we have access to and only the administrator can send it to the entire organization.

Remembering that the survey will always respect the rules of anonymity defined in the company account, by default the platform always maintains to 3 respondents.
Finally, we can choose the level of access that managers can have concerning the survey results and beginning. BUT WAIT UP! Before it is very recommended that you warn who will receive the survey and the reason for it.

Restricted: does not allow group and subgroup managers to see the results. Only you and administrators will have access.
Open: all managers that are linked to the survey (they belong to the groups or subgroups of the selected groups) will be able to have access to the survey result.
Now that you've notified people, only click continue and send.
When we send the survey, people will receive it by email. They will receive a notification that there is a survey to be answered at the end of the engagement survey, and the survey will be made available in the Custom Survey Area, which is in the left side menu.

When people click on the link, the "answer now" button, or select the survey in the custom survey area, they'll see a survey much like the engagement survey.

When the custom survey is answered, you can view the report and feedback by going to the custom survey area, selecting active surveys, and clicking on the survey.
If you prefer, you can also consult the feedback received in the feedback area.

See how easy it is to structure a custom survey for more information? I'm sure you now have enough data to draw up an action plan.
Important: custom surveys can be used to conduct various surveys within the company, but we recommend keeping culture and engagement-oriented subjects not to confuse people.
Do it differently! Let's Question, Act, and Evolve. Talk to our team right now using the side chat or learn more about creating an action plan.
Let's use a scenario where the engagement research has already happened and you are evaluating your engagement report. In the evaluation process, there was a doubt about the frequency factor of the feedback pillar.

Looking at the questions below:
The frequency of feedback I receive is enough to help me understand how I can improve.
Which of the following best describes the amount of feedback you receive?
Some people are not satisfied with how often they receive feedback, but you already meet them once a month in a 1:1 meeting format. What is going wrong?
The next step is to evaluate the feedback of that group regarding this topic, then you go to the qualitative feedback area and filter the received.

However, even analyzing the constructive feedback on the subject Feedback was not enough to have a diagnosis.
All is not lost. During the engagement meeting with the team, you decide to talk about the topic, including presenting the results and explaining what feedback is. After all, feedback is not an evaluation (read our article on the types of feedback). However, you leave the meeting frustrated because people didn't feel like talking about the topic in question openly and transparently. It's time to use the "custom survey" functionality.
That's right, it helps to have an even more detailed view on some questions and we will teach you how to set up a structured survey to get some answers.
Let's start by understanding what you would like to know. After all, people are dissatisfied with the periodicity of the feedbacks received.
Survey template:
Can you tell me what feedback is for you? Answer model: open, for example: in my view, feedback is about...
Who gives you feedback? Answer template: choose, () my manager (X ) Team () manager and team
Is there any technique we could adopt to improve feedback frequency? Answer template: open, for example: I believe we can adopt the Kudos Wall technique.
What would be a good frequency to receive feedback and how would you like to receive it? Answer template: open, for example: informal daily by all people in the team.
Now that we have an idea of the expected result, we can assemble our questionnaire on the platform.
Click the left side menu and choose Custom Survey.
In this area, you can create your survey by clicking the yellow button in the upper right corner.

By clicking on the button, we need to choose a title, a description and create the desired questions by selecting your answer template.
Title: a survey to understand feedback frequency.
Description: the main goal of this survey is to understand how we can improve the frequency of feedback.
Questions: we will use the model already mentioned earlier.

Adding the first question "Can you tell me what feedback is?" from the paragraph template.

Remember that to add new questions, only click the blue button below the first question box:

You can repeat this process until you finish all the questions.

To remove a question, click on the recycle bin at the top right of the question;
You can save the survey to send in the future (save in draft);
Do not forget to fill in all the required fields before clicking the continue button.
It's ready! Now we can click the "Continue" button and select the survey audience and settings.
First, we will start the configuration of our survey by selecting whether we will present our name as the sender or if it will be a survey sent by the company, remembering that only administrators can send on behalf of the company.

Now we will select who this survey will be sent to. Here in this area, it is possible to select only the groups that we have access to and only the administrator can send it to the entire organization.

Remembering that the survey will always respect the rules of anonymity defined in the company account, by default the platform always maintains to 3 respondents.
Finally, we can choose the level of access that managers can have concerning the survey results and beginning. BUT WAIT UP! Before it is very recommended that you warn who will receive the survey and the reason for it.

Restricted: does not allow group and subgroup managers to see the results. Only you and administrators will have access.
Open: all managers that are linked to the survey (they belong to the groups or subgroups of the selected groups) will be able to have access to the survey result.
Now that you've notified people, only click continue and send.
When we send the survey, people will receive it by email. They will receive a notification that there is a survey to be answered at the end of the engagement survey, and the survey will be made available in the Custom Survey Area, which is in the left side menu.

When people click on the link, the "answer now" button, or select the survey in the custom survey area, they'll see a survey much like the engagement survey.

When the custom survey is answered, you can view the report and feedback by going to the custom survey area, selecting active surveys, and clicking on the survey.
If you prefer, you can also consult the feedback received in the feedback area.

See how easy it is to structure a custom survey for more information? I'm sure you now have enough data to draw up an action plan.
Important: custom surveys can be used to conduct various surveys within the company, but we recommend keeping culture and engagement-oriented subjects not to confuse people.
Do it differently! Let's Question, Act, and Evolve. Talk to our team right now using the side chat or learn more about creating an action plan.
Updated on: 03/05/2021
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