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eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) Score

"Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first." - Simon Sinek

That's what the eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) metric is all about!

eNPS measures the likelihood of an employee recommending the organization as a great place to work.

This metric helps gauge the group's loyalty. Employees who are unhappy with where they work can become "bad apples" within the organization and are also likely to engage in negative word-of-mouth about the company.

On the other hand, employees who love where they work are more likely to delight customers and attract other like-minded individuals to join the organization.

It’s important to note that eNPS is not the only way to measure loyalty, but it can be a great starting point. It has become popular in the market due to its simplicity, which makes standardization easier.

How is eNPS calculated?

Through the following question:

On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend the company as a good workplace?

Based on the employee's response, they will fall into one of these categories:

0 to 6 - DETRACTOR
7 and 8 - PASSIVE
9 and 10 - PROMOTER

Note: It’s important to highlight that this classification reflects the individual's feelings at the time they answered the question, meaning it can change. This underscores the importance of taking actions to improve the metric.

All responses are tallied, and the following formula is applied: eNPS = % Promoters - % Detractors.

The eNPS question is sent to group members along with questions related to the 10 Employee Engagement Pillars. It will appear in the first survey the person responds to and will reappear within 30 days.

If an employee chooses to skip the eNPS question, they will be classified as N/A (non-respondent) and excluded from the eNPS calculation, as they will be considered PASSIVE. This means that a high number of N/A responses can negatively affect your score.

Additionally, we always consider the most recent eNPS responses from employees within a 90-day period. Any responses outside this timeframe will not be included in the current report.

For the report to be accessible, at least 3 users need to answer the question to ensure the anonymity of group members.

HOW DOES THE REPORT WORK? Let's dive into the details.

In the image below, you can see an overview of how it will appear to you.
Note: The appearance may vary depending on your plan; we are presenting the most comprehensive view of the platform.

In the upper right corner, there is a historical chart where you can see how the eNPS score has fluctuated over the past months.

In the upper left corner, the eNPS score is displayed in real-time, allowing you to compare your group with the account and the market.

Below these two charts, you will find the percentages of PROMOTERS, PASSIVES, DETRACTORS, and SKIPPED responses, all in real-time. These percentages are used to calculate the score displayed in the upper left chart.

Finally, we show the most recent responses. All of this is designed to help you understand the reasons behind the results and to facilitate your short-term actions as quickly and accurately as possible.

Updated on: 23/08/2024

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