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Action Plans

In this section, “Action Plan,” we will walk you through how to create Action Plans within the platform. However, before diving into the technical details, it's important to emphasize the strategic process. There are critical steps involved in determining which information you'll input into the tool.

First, let’s consider the macro objectives. When a company decides to focus on engagement, the goal is typically to improve one or more of the following areas:
Employer brand;
Employee retention;
Business results.

These objectives are tied to strategic planning—what do you want to achieve? For each of the objectives mentioned, there are specific key indicators. For example:
Indicators for employer brand: recruitment and selection time; GPTW (Great Place to Work); Glassdoor ratings.
Indicators for employee retention: voluntary turnover (when an employee resigns); voluntary turnover of key talent.
Indicators for business results: NPS (Net Promoter Score); quality of deliveries; delivery deadlines; business results OKRs—each business typically has its own success indicators tailored to its business model.

Important: Measuring the correlation between business results and engagement can be challenging, but over time, we've observed a significant alignment with NPS. Generally, when comparing groups within the same account, those with the lowest NPS also have the lowest engagement scores.

Once the strategic planning is defined, we move on to tactical planning. This serves as the bridge between strategic and operational levels, ensuring that operations align with the defined macro objectives.

In tactical planning, engagement is addressed through three key factors: Organizational Climate, Organizational Culture, and Participation.

Note: If you haven’t done so already, we strongly recommend reviewing the explanatory materials on Organizational Climate Action Plans, Organizational Culture Action Plans, and Participation Action Plans.

The explanatory materials for each factor outline the details for your Action Plans, but here’s a brief summary:
For Organizational Climate, focus on the 10 Pillars metrics, Smart Pillars, eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score), and lNPS (Leadership Net Promoter Score).
For Organizational Culture, focus on Cultural Alignment metrics, Unfavorable Culture, and Cultural Maturity Level.
For Participation, focus on the metrics in the Opinions section.

To determine what to prioritize in your Action Plans, it’s essential to analyze the following aspects for each metric:
Comparison with the market in the benchmark section—refer to the explanatory material on Benchmark.
Correlation between the metrics.
Comparison with groups within the same account in the Group Comparison section—refer to the explanatory material on Group Comparison.
Historical analysis of each metric to understand trends and variations.
Remember, you don't need to focus solely on improving weak points; you can also strengthen areas where you're already performing well.

Based on your tactical planning analysis, you’ll begin creating your Action Plans within the platform by choosing:
Which factor you want to focus on (Organizational Climate, Organizational Culture, and/or Participation). We recommend revisiting your tactical planning every six months.

Note: You can create as many Action Plans as you need; however, to maintain focus, we recommend having two Action Plans for Organizational Climate, two for Organizational Culture, and one for Participation.

After completing the tactical planning, you’ll move down a level to create the operational planning within the platform.

Tactical planning should ideally guide your operational planning. At this stage, you will define:
Which metric within the chosen factor you want to focus on;
The objective or target score for that metric;
The deadline for achieving the set objective—we recommend revisiting your operational planning every three months.
The actions you’ll implement to achieve these objectives.

Once an Action Plan is created, you can track the initial score, current score, and target score to monitor progress.

Important: We recommend creating both the tactical and operational plans within 30 days of starting to use the platform. Additionally, monitor the metrics of the operational plan every 30 days.

Updated on: 23/08/2024

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