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How to Interact with Received Opinions

In this material, How to Interact with Received Opinions, we provide important tips to help you respond to the opinions shared by members of your group. Why is this content so valuable? Through experience, we have found that the Opinions tool is incredibly powerful and can have a significant impact—positive or negative—on the group, depending on how the dialogue is handled.

A poorly managed dialogue through the Opinions tool, without proper attention, can lead the person who submitted the opinion to focus on negative aspects. Additionally, they might become disengaged and see no value in contributing their opinions. Without this openness, it becomes nearly impossible for the company to take actions that improve employee engagement.

Now, let’s move on to some practical tips!

Tip 1 - Use Active Listening.

It’s crucial to take the time to carefully read the opinion you’ve received. This is not the moment to think about "how to defend yourself." Instead, reflect on whether you genuinely understand what the person is saying. Your response should clearly convey to the person who submitted the opinion that they are being heard. Otherwise, they might conclude that their input is not important to you. When people feel truly considered, they are more likely to continue sharing their opinions.

Tip 2 - The Power of Questions.

If your response is too assertive and leaves no room for interaction, the person who submitted the opinion may stop engaging, thinking that "you already know everything." It’s extremely important to make it clear that you are open to further conversation. A useful technique is to ask questions that show you genuinely want to understand what is being said and that you are interested in their perspective.

Tip 3 - Be Cautious with Impulsiveness.

Never respond to an opinion on a day when you’re not feeling well or are under stress, as this can cloud your judgment and lead to an emotional response. This increases the chances of taking the opinion personally and responding in a way that could harm engagement. If you’re having a bad day, it’s best to avoid opening the Opinions tool until you’re in a better state of mind. Additionally, when dealing with opinions on more sensitive issues, it’s advisable not to respond immediately—take the time to "sleep on it," rest, reflect, and respond the next day.

Tip 4 - Seek Guidance.

There may be instances where you receive opinions that are beyond your capacity to address, such as delicate issues like harassment. In such cases, do not respond directly on the platform. Instead, seek guidance from your company's Human Resources (HR) department, as they are equipped to handle these situations in the best possible way.

Lastly, always remember that engagement is directly linked to building and maintaining relationships. It’s about connection and synergy!

Updated on: 23/08/2024

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