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Overall Engagement Average

The Overall Engagement Average, within the context of Organizational Climate, is a metric that provides a macro view of the group's health. It is calculated based on the scores of specific Organizational Climate metrics, such as the 10 Employee Engagement Pillars, eNPS, lNPS, and Smart Pillars. If you haven't reviewed them yet, we recommend checking out the explanatory materials on the 10 Employee Engagement Pillars, eNPS Score, lNPS Score, and Smart Pillar Segmentation.

Overall Average

This metric functions as a radar for monitoring the Organizational Climate segment. In other words, based on this metric alone, you cannot gain a deep understanding of the context. For example, if the Overall Engagement Average triggers an alert, you need to delve into the specific metrics to understand the situation and, consequently, develop an action plan.

However, analyzing each specific metric daily would be very burdensome, so the Overall Engagement Average provides an aggregate score that serves as a guide.

Now, let's understand how the categories work. We use two categories related to the average score: COLOR and ADJECTIVE.

COLOR Category

Depending on the score, it will fall into one of the following colors:
Below 5 = RED
From 5 to below 7.5 = YELLOW
From 7.5 to 10 = GREEN


Depending on the score, it will fall into one of the following adjectives:
4.4 and below = LOW
From 4.5 to 5.4 = OK
From 5.5 to 7.4 = GOOD
From 7.5 to 8.9 = VERY GOOD
Above 8.9 to 10.0 = AMAZING

When you hover over the color, you can compare the group's score with the account's average and the market's average. Additionally, when you click "Learn More," you are directed to the Benchmark section. Note: this may vary depending on your plan; we are presenting the most comprehensive view of the platform.

How do the Participation Rate and Responded Feedback work?

The Participation Rate is the percentage of people in the group who responded to the survey. It’s important to note that, by default, individuals are classified as "non-respondents" after two unanswered surveys. We recommend reviewing the explanatory material on Participation.

The Responded Feedback is a rate calculated based on the feedback sent by group members and responded to by the responsible parties. For example, when you respond to a group member's feedback, this rate increases. We recommend reviewing the explanatory materials on Received Feedback, How to Interact with Received Feedback, and Analytical Report.

Finally, let's understand what the icon below means:

This icon represents the variation. It’s important to understand that the variation is always based on the current score compared to the period selected in the time filter.

In other words, the variation changes as the time filter is adjusted.

Updated on: 23/08/2024

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