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Burnout Index

Have you ever heard of burnout syndrome? Burnout syndrome is a mental health condition caused by extreme exhaustion, always related to an individual's work. According to global research, this syndrome affects about 20% to 30% of employees worldwide.

The Burnout Index metric is related to the key factors that lead to burnout, which are:

Exhaustion: This refers to the fatigue caused by excessive efforts, primarily psychological, in the workplace. Exhaustion impacts cognitive abilities, productivity, and overall health.
Cynicism: This occurs when an individual feels that their work lacks value, or they are not adding value through their work. As a result, they may withhold effort because the work no longer feels meaningful. Cynicism creates a disconnect between the person and the company, affecting the quality, creativity, and purpose of their work.
Depersonalization: This is the attitude of distancing oneself from colleagues, leaders, clients, or others when these individuals are associated with emotional strain. Depersonalization affects relationships and synergy within the team.
Self-Inefficiency: This is the feeling of inadequacy in performing work tasks, leading to increased emotional discomfort when faced with these tasks. The perception of self-inefficiency undermines self-confidence and hampers overall development.
Workplace Stressors: These are issues in the work environment that lead to stress. When unaddressed, these stressors accumulate as tension in the body and manifest as emotional debt. They are often difficult to identify, which is why they can build up over time.

Now, let’s take a look at the survey questions associated with the Burnout Index metric:

How is working with your direct manager?
My direct manager listens and is empathetic with my opinion.
How is working with your direct manager?
My direct manager listens and is empathetic with my opinion.
I can trust my direct manager
My direct manager is respectful to me.
On a scale of 0 to 10, how much would you recommend your team leader as a good person to work for?
I feel that my direct manager cares about me and not just about my work.
I can discuss difficult issues and problems with my direct manager.
All people are treated fairly in the company.
The company protects the employees from discrimination
In the company, everyone is respected, regardless of who or how they are.
I feel overloaded at work.
What is your stress level?
My integrity, health and physical safety are not at risk when I am working.
I have a good energy level at work.
Does your job allow you to have a healthy lifestyle?
How is your mental health?
I feel safe in admitting mistakes or expressing insecurity.
I feel I'm in charge of my job.
I'm proud of my job
Most of the time my job is fulfilling.
In general, how do you assess your level of happiness at work?
I feel supported by my company when I'm dealing with personal issues
I feel that I can keep a healthy balance between between work and my personal life.
Is your work damaging your personal life?
Considering my efforts, skills and experience, I believe I'm paid accordingly.
Regarding the market and your position, are you paid accordingly?
Do you believe that you are paid fairly in comparison to similar positions at your company?
Does your work contribute to the company's purpose?
How pleasant is your workplace?
Does your workplace allow you to work without distractions if necessary?
Are you satisfied with the comfort level in your current workplace?
Do you have access to material resources that you need in order to do your job correctly (equipment, supplies, etc)?
Do you feel that the recognition you get is meaningful?
Evaluate how frequently you get recognition.
Are you satisfied with the frequency of recognition given by your direct manager?
Is the partnership between you and your peers good?
Can you count on your peers when you need help?
I feel that I'm part of a team
Do you respect and value the people you work with?
I feel that my colleagues respect me and really care about me.
I feel safe to be myself with my peers.
Do team members have quality and frequent communication with each other?
People give feedback in a respectful way at my workplace.
I feel safe to disagree and express my opinion on ideas, issues and problems.

With this understanding and by considering correlations with other Organizational Climate metrics, you can develop strategies to improve or maintain the score of this metric.

Updated on: 23/08/2024

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